The process of healing in the sun and her flowers by RupiKaur

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  摘 要:As one of the most influential representative writers of contemporary American women's literature and black literature, Ruby Cole's poem "The Sun and Her Flowers" truly describes the process of self-healing from the five stages of flowering. Therefore, based on the theory of image analysis, this paper analyzes the "Sun and Her Flowers" and explains that after suffering some pain, accept all the pain and loss, and find the power of advancement in love and life. In this way, the paper is an analysis of the literary works of "The Sun and Her Flowers", on the one hand to explore the process of flower regrowth, and on the other hand to analyze the author's self-healing process.
  關键词:love and loss;trauma;cure
  Introduction of The Sun and Her Flowers
  The Sun and Her Flowers (stylized as the sun and her flowers) is Rupi Kaur's second collection of poetry, published in 2017. It is composed of five chapters, with illustrations by the author.
  The book is divided into five sections reflecting the life cycle of a flower, with chapters titled: Wilting, Falling, Rooting, Rising, and Blooming. It focuses on themes of love and loss, trauma and abuse, healing, femininity and the body. Wilting touches on the subject of heartbreak and loss. Falling focuses on depressive feelings following the loss of an important relationship. Rooting explores topics of female infanticide, immigration and borders. Blooming addresses the joy Kaur finally found coming to love and accept her roots, herself, and the world around her. She also comes to realize her mission in this world: equality and love for all genders, races and backgrounds.
  Literature Review
  Previous Studies of The Sun and Her Flowers Abroad
  Since this book was published in recent years, there is no in-depth study in foreign countries. It is only interviews with authors by some magazines and websites. Readers from all over the world have different opinions on this book and the author.
  Previous Studies of The Sun and Her Flowers at Home
  At home, this book is not very hot, but there are many people who are interested in it. I believe that more people will want to study it in the next few years.
  Thesis Statement
  This paper is a insight and analysis of this book. It will tell you about the process of growing up and healing or being cured from the decline of flowers to the five stages of blooming. So I will also separate the five chapters and correspond to the book. Five chapters to analyze the author's state and deeper things   A Brief Introduction of Image
  Image research, on the one hand, continues to discuss traditional topics, and on the other hand, it is constantly expanding its academic vision; especially the emerging imagery poets and new critics have injected new content and vitality into imagery and imagery research, The face has changed dramatically. Shortly after entering this century, the British scholar T. E. Hulme (1883-1917) opposed the kind of romantic poetry that was disease-free, and advocated that poetry should be written clearly, realistically and accurately. Later, Pound began to seek a poem like "inspired mathematics" to provide "equation" for the perception and content of human consciousness.
  Thesis Structure
  The thesis consists of three chapters in all.
  The book is divided into five sections reflecting the life cycle of a flower, with chapters titled: Wilting, Falling, Rooting, Rising, and Blooming. It focuses on themes of love and loss, trauma and abuse, healing, femininity and the body. Wilting touches on the subject of heartbreak and loss. Falling focuses on depressive feelings following the loss of an important relationship. Rooting explores topics of female infanticide, immigration and borders. Blooming addresses the joy Kaur finally found coming to love and accept her roots, herself, and the world around her. She also comes to realize her mission in this world: equality and love for all genders, races and backgrounds.
  Major Findings and Implications
  The style of ‘the sun and her flowers’ combines short poems of a few lines with longer narratives, recounting issues such as the beauty found in her parents’ broken English and self-reclamation after sexual abuse. The poems often lack titles and distinctive boundaries between each work; they can be read individually or as sequences. This fluidity removes any impersonality, and creates an organic poetry that refuses formalistic constraints. Rather than laziness or a pretentious attempt at originality, her use of only lower-case letters is an attempt to include Gurmukhi script in her work, in which divisions between upper or lower casing do not exist. Kaur also eschews traditional punctuation, which is powerfully affirmed in the line ‘there are some things/in the world so infinite/they could never use a full stop’.
  Limitations of the Study
  Several limitations still exist in this thesis, although there are some major findings.
  Firstly, The book is too new, so you can't find too much information for reference. This is the biggest difficulty of this paper. Although the theory is very mature, the works are too novel, and many scholars have not studied it in depth.
  Secondly, The theory is too mature to find an innovative or novel perspective.
  Suggestions of the Future Study
  On the one hand, due to the value of image, more researches can be done from multiple views. More works can be analyzed with this theory and more research results can be enriched from different version understanding.
  On the other hand, It’s should be objective and comprehensive when analyzing the examples you extracted. What’s more, the cited examples should be substantial and persuasive so that valuable works can be written
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