春种伊始,有关药材种植的电话逐渐增多,其中多为咨询购买药材种苗方面的电话。根据最近的电话记录显示及药市种苗走势情况,以下六种种苗走俏价扬。生地苗。最近寻求地黄种块的药农很多,而且需求量很大,购买价出到5 元。笔者询问了好几个产地,要价均抬高至7元,特别是晋豫一带主产地价高,回应说主产地也缺少种苗。涨价原因有二:一是生地货少,目前市上药材
At the beginning of the spring, the number of telephones for planting medicinal herbs gradually increased, most of which were telephone calls for purchasing medicinal seedlings. According to the recent phone records show and the trend of the drug market seedlings, the following six kinds of popular sellers prices. Growing seedlings. Recently, a large number of medicinal herbs are sought for Rehmannia glutinosa, and the demand is high, with the purchase price of 5 yuan. I asked several origin, the asking price was raised to 7 yuan, especially in the main producing areas of Jinyu high prices, the main producing areas also responded to the lack of seedlings. There are two reasons for price increases: First, less raw material, the current market herbs