我们介绍一种脑底蛛网膜下腔持续灌注罂粟碱稀释液来防治脑血管痉挛的方法 ,供同道们参考。在破裂脑动脉瘤急诊开颅夹闭动脉瘤后 ,在显微镜下尽可能清除脑底蛛网膜下腔积血 ,然后在脑底蛛网膜下腔置一根细的硬膜外麻醉用的导管 ,从头皮中引出并固定 ,外接止痛泵。向止痛泵内注?
We present a method of continuous subarachnoid subventricular perfusion of papaverine diluent to prevent and treat cerebral vasospasm for fellow reference. In the ruptured cerebral aneurysm emergent craniotomy occlusion aneurysm, the brain as possible, under the microscope to clear the subarachnoid hemorrhage, and then set a thin epidural anesthesia catheter in the subarachnoid space, Derived from the scalp and fixed, external analgesic pump. Painkiller pump note?