本文以北京朝阳区高档公寓租赁市场为研究对象,构建经济模型,分析租金与空置率的内在关系,从而探寻租赁市场的运行规律,为促进租赁市场的良性发展提供参考建议。研究以北京东部地区2000年第四季度至2010年第三季度的高档公寓实际租金与空置率为数据基础,通过构建两步骤的租金调整方程(two-equation model of rental adjustments)定量分析租金、空置率、自然空置率之间的动态变化。结果表明,北京市朝阳区高档公寓的空置率与其租金之间未表现出显著的正相关,但二者均受到通货膨胀的影响。
In this paper, the high-end apartment rental market in Chaoyang District, Beijing as the research object, building an economic model, analysis of the rent and the relationship between the vacancy rate, so as to explore the operating law of the rental market, to promote the healthy development of the rental market to provide reference. The study uses the actual rental and vacancy rates of high-end apartments in the eastern part of Beijing from the fourth quarter of 2000 to the third quarter of 2010 as the data base, and quantitatively analyzes the rent by placing a two-equation model of rental adjustments The rate of natural vacancy between the dynamic changes. The results show that there is no significant positive correlation between the vacancy rate and the rent of high-end apartments in Chaoyang District, Beijing, but both are affected by inflation.