在天山南北,在新疆大地,阿不力孜·阿不都热依木是一位颇具知名度的记者。他那一篇一篇富有特色和充满新意的报道,通过电波,在天山南北回响,激荡着人们的胸怀。听众称赞他是“维吾尔族人民的好儿子”,“农牧民们贴心人”。以至于外国朋友读了他那些反映新疆经济的报道,也是称赞不已。一位巴基斯坦的客商到乌鲁木齐洽谈合作项目,也非要见阿不力孜一面,以表达对他的钦佩之意。 阿不力孜出生在塔克拉玛干大沙漠边缘的一户普通农家。种过地,放过羊。1977年从新疆大学毕业后,分配到新疆人民广播电台工作。他刚到电台时,维吾尔语采编组才成立两年。组里除了三名“老广播”外,就是他们刚来的新手。这时电台在和田专区建立了记者站,需要驻站记者。年轻的大学毕业生阿不力孜自告奋勇报名去驻站。他下站后,面对一摞摞的材料兴奋不已,编
In the Tianshan Mountains, in the vast land of Xinjiang, Abeidzi Ahmadinejim is a well-known journalist. His article, full of character and novelty, echoed north and south of Tianshan Mountains through radio waves, inspiring people’s minds. The audience praised him as “a good son of the Uyghur people,” and “peasants and herdsmen are caring people.” Even foreign friends read his reports reflecting the economy in Xinjiang. He praised it as well. A Pakistani businessman to Urumqi to discuss cooperation projects, but also want to see the Aidili Zi side to express his admiration. Abdullai was born at an ordinary farmhouse on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert. Over, let go sheep. After graduating from Xinjiang University in 1977, he was assigned to Xinjiang People’s Broadcasting Station. When he arrived on the radio, the Uyghur language editing group was established for two years. In addition to the group of three “old radio”, is their novice just arrived. At this time, the radio station set up a press station in the Hotan area, requiring stationed reporters. Aberdeen, a young college graduate, volunteered to register to station. After he stepped down, he was excited with the pile of materials