一、概 述 用受拉悬索作为主要承重结构的桥梁称为吊桥。由于吊桥的受力形式合理,承受拉力的悬索可以用高强钢丝制成,故它的跨越能力比所有其它桥梁体系都要大,是目前跨径能超过600米以上的唯一体系,例如英国1981年建成的恒伯尔(Humber)吊桥(图1),中跨达1410.0米,成为当前世界上跨径最大的桥梁。据理论分析,这种体系的桥梁,其最大可能跨径还可达到3700米。现将世界已建成的十一座有名的特大吊桥列于表1。
First, an overview of the suspension cable as the main load-bearing structure of the bridge called the suspension bridge. Due to the reason that the suspension bridge is in a reasonable form of stress, the tension-bearing suspension cable can be made of high-strength steel wire. Therefore, its suspension capability is larger than that of all other bridge systems and is the only system with a span of more than 600 meters. For example, the British 1981 The Humber suspension bridge built in the year (Figure 1) has a mid-span of 1410.0 meters and has become the largest span bridge in the world today. According to theoretical analysis, this system of bridges, the maximum possible span of up to 3700 meters. The eleven famous large suspension bridges built in the world are listed in Table 1.