Winter climate is dry, with overuse, easy to cause dry eyes. So, what to eat in winter to make eyes dry? Nickel spinach soup recipe 60 grams of liver or liver 2, 130 grams of spinach, green onion, salt, sesame oil, amount of soup. Therefore, the paper (also known as psoralen), cereal, Gan Qi, Chuanxiong each 15 grams, washed, add 1000 ml of water, boiling about 20 minutes, leaving the residue residue. Liver slices to fascia washed thin slices, cut into small pieces of spare spinach washed spare. First with a small amount of oil to explode chives, add Chinese medicine juice, liver, spinach, boil into the amount of salt, stir well after adding a little sesame oil can be eaten.