
来源 :岳麓法学评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xieke594112
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立法决策与立法起草是立法过程中两项极其重要的内容,厘清两者之间的关系具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文认为,立法决策与立法起草之间既存在着原则性的界限,有着根本性的区别,同时两者之间的界限又是模糊的,存在着相互交叉的部分;两者之间的关系模式有三种:一是先决策后起草模式,二是先起草后决策模式,三是两者同时进行模式。立法决策与立法起草之间的法治定位是:立法决策权是一种不可授之权,立法起草权是一种可委托之权。由此出发,应使立法决策权回归,立法起草权对外开放。 Legislative decision-making and drafting legislation are two extremely important contents in the legislative process. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to clarify the relationship between the two. This paper argues that there is not only a fundamental distinction between legislative decision-making and legislative drafting, but also a fundamental distinction between the legislative decision and legislative drafting. At the same time, the boundary between the two is ambiguous and interdependent. The relationship between the two There are three: First, the decision-making drafting mode, the second is to draft the decision-making model, the third is the two modes. The legal rule between legislative decision-making and legislative drafting is: Legislative decision-making power is an undisputed right, and legislative drafting power is a delegated right. Proceeding from this, we should return the legislative decision-making power and open the legislative drafting right.
问:我和妻子结婚30多年, 他人有配偶而与之结婚的,处去年我们因家庭琐事吵架,妻 年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。子离家出走。我四处寻找,最近 见,构成重婚罪,包括以下
寒假期间,聪聪设计了一种新式自行车模型,准备参加新学期的“学校春季科学发明创造比赛”活动,今天特意来让我们“提提意见”. 聪聪设计的自行车模型确有创新,结构简单、易
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被告人孙明亮,男,十九岁,甘肃省泾川县人。原系甘肃省平凉市柳湖乡保丰村农民。 一九八四年六月二十五日晚八对许,被告人孙明亮偕同其友蒋小平去看电影,在平凉市东关电影院
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