1997年 3月从山东海阳市近海捕获中国对虾 ,取两尾单独暂养 ,产卵后培育出子代 ,用随机扩增多态性 DNA(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA,RAPD)技术对亲本和子代的基因组 DNA进行多态性研究 ,目的是在分子水平上了解亲本与子一代之间的遗传结构 ,比较了两个家系的遗传差异。结果表明 ,使用 OPG系列 2 0个引物 ,有 16个引物获得了谱带清晰且重复性好的产物 ,扩增的多态性片段分子量大小在 2 6 0 0~ 2 2 0 bp之间。家系 A检测 78个位点 ,其中多态位点数为 14个 ,占17.95% ,家系 B检测 88个位点 ,其中多态位点数为 18个 ,占 2 0 .4 5%。家系 A父本对其子代的遗传距离为 0 .0 4 50± 0 .0 0 93,母本对其子代的遗传距离为 0 .0 570± 0 .0 0 87,30个个体之间的遗传距离为 0 .0 2 83± 0 .0 0 95;家系 B父本对其子代的遗传距离为 0 .0 52 3± 0 .0 12 4 ,母本对其子代的遗传距离为 0 .0 6 4 1± 0 .0 132 ,2 8个个体之间的遗传距离为 0 .0 384± 0 .0 155。研究结果进一步证实 ,子代之间的遗传距离比其父、母与子代之间更小 ,遗传变异程度更低。另外 ,发现了与性别有关的 12 0 0 bp的片段。
In March 1997, Chinese shrimp were caught off the coast of Haiyang City, Shandong Province. Two of them were individually housed and spawned to produce their offspring. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Genomic DNA polymorphism study, the purpose is to understand the molecular structure of the genetic structure between the parent and the child generation, compared the genetic differences between the two families. The results showed that using 20 primers of OPG series, 16 primers obtained a clear and reproducible product. The molecular weight of the amplified polymorphic fragments ranged from 2600 bp to 220 bp. Family A detected 78 loci, of which 14 were polymorphic loci, accounting for 17.95%. Family B detected 88 loci, of which 18 were polymorphic loci, accounting for 20.45%. The genetic distance between male parents and their offspring was 0. 0 4 50 ± 0. 0 0 93, and the female parent had 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 87 among 30 individuals The genetic distance of the parents was 0. 0 2 3 ± 0. 0 12 4. The genetic distance of the parents to their offspring was 0. 0 6 4 1 ± 0 .0 132, the genetic distance between 28 individuals was 0.0384 ± 0.0 155. The results further confirmed that the genetic distance between offspring is smaller than that between father, mother and offspring and the genetic variation is lower. In addition, a sex-related fragment of 1200 bp was found.