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  It was found outside of Chicago and...let me read it to you first, and then I’ll tell you a little bit more about it afterwards. Umm, but it’s just a kid writing to his mom. So he says –
  Dear Mom,
  I miss you. I really wish you were here. There’s
  been a lot of bad stuff in my life, but I’m sure you
  already know that. But there’s also been some really good things like Justin, he’s my best friend, and so is Bethany. Hey Mom, guess what’s the best part of all, there’s a girl, her name is Jenna. I’ve been dating her for about a month and a half. She makes me so happy, I know if you were here, you would like her a lot. She makes me so happy there is nobody I’ve ever been happier with. She’s changed my life in so many ways, she’s there for me, she’s someone who actually cares about me. I pray to God every day that I would get her and I did! It’s unbelievable. Remember when I was suicidal[有自杀倾向的]. Well, not anymore. I wouldn’t even think about it. I just love her so much for being with me, you know. This girl is wonderful, Mom. She helps me through a lot. I love her more than she can imagine. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I would die for this girl, Mom. I love her so much, and she’s scared that we are not gonna see each other when I move, but I promised her we would see each other just like normal. Well, I got my license this summer, so I can be out here every day. So, yah, I’ve got to go. I love you so much, Mom. I’ll write you again. Bye.
  Your son,
  P.S. Trevor misses you, too.
  And so the woman that had found this, she told me the story of where she found it. And she said that…
  you know, she was at a cemetery[公墓]. And in the
  middle of the place was a…this big, old oak tree, and she saw like dangling[摇摆] from the highest branches, she saw this balloon with a ribbon coming down and tied to the ribbon was a piece of paper. So she scaled[攀爬] all the way up the tree to pull the note down, you know, and of course it was this note right here. So, you can just picture this kid like, going to visit his mom at the
  cemetery, you know, and writing her this note, and sending it up to her in a balloon. And for me, it’s just one, like this one that…that move[s] and affect[s] me so much…that make me want to pick up every piece of paper I see flowing down the street, you know, or blowing down a[n] alley way, or…you know, and was…you know, hanging from a balloon in a tree.
Hollywood has taken an unusually 1)reserved 2)approach to the earthquake and 3)tsunami in Japan, but 4)analysts say they don’t expect this to be 5)permanent.  A week after the earthquake, Warner Bros.
妈妈,我知道你担心我,但还是放手让我自己出去闯荡。妈妈,感谢你对我的信任。    My mother always reminds me that on the first day of kindergarten, while other kids were crying for their moms not to go, I was telling her to leave already. S
历史上曾经出现了多次海难事件,最广为人知的无疑是泰坦尼克号海难。这艘号称“永不沉没”的远洋客轮在1912年的处女航行中撞上了冰山,在短短几小时内沉没于北大西洋,造成1500人罹难。其残骸于1985年被发现。二十几年过去了,这座海底坟墓如今有什么变化呢?让我们跟随当年发现残骸的科学家们重访这艘富有传奇色彩的巨轮。    听力小提示:本文生词较多,只适合作为泛听材料使用。建议先听一遍声音,记下听到的信
在众多埃及木乃伊中,最有名的莫过于图坦卡蒙的木乃伊。图坦卡蒙为现代人广为熟知是因为他的坟墓在三千年的时间内从未被盗,直到1922年才被英国人霍华德·卡特(Howard Carter)发现,挖掘出大量珍宝,震惊了西方世界。当然还有那个被媒体过分渲染的“法老的诅咒”。  为了从科学的角度全面了解图坦卡蒙,我们请来埃及著名考古学家、埃及最高文物委员会主席扎希·哈瓦斯给我们讲解这位神秘君王的故事。(CE:
Host: Okay, so maybe there was a day when you looked at the person hosting that TV game show or reality program and thought to yourself, “Gee[表惊奇], I could do that.” Maybe you’ve had the same thought
If you want to improve your English, there are a lot of fantastic resources to help you. Read on to find just some of the ways in which you can become fluent[流利的] in English.  如果你想提高自己的英语水平,其实有许多极好的资源
After months of guesses and rumors, it has finally been confirmed that an anime adaption of Hakuouki: Shinsengumi Kitan will arrive in April. The title was originally developed by Idea Factory for Son
当越来越多的年轻女孩认同“宁愿坐在宝马车里哭,也不愿坐在自行车上微笑”时,当步入社会,不堪重负的男孩越来越希望娶个富家女,希望“少奋斗三十年”时,爱情在物欲横流的今天,能让好逸恶劳的身心得到满足吗?或许你能在纪伯伦的这篇文章中找到答案。  这篇文章语言非常优美,但难度系数较高,除生词较多外,还运用了大量的复合句和修辞手法,因此大家要先多听几遍录音,细细体会此文文字的优美,然后再跟着我们的“学习小提
I’ve practiced this for hours  Gone round and round  And now I think that I’ve got it all down  And as I say it louder  I love how it sounds  ’Cause I’m not taking the easy way out  Not wrapping[包装] t
在吕克·贝松的成名作《碧海蓝天》(Le Grand Bleu, 1988)中,男主角雅克这样描述海底:“你知道怎么样才能遇见美人鱼吗?当你游到海底,那里的水更蓝。在那里,蓝天变成了回忆,你就躺在了寂静里,呆在那里,决心为她们而死。只有这样,她们才会出现,她们来问候你,考验你的爱。如果你的爱够真诚,够纯洁,她们就会和你一起,然后把你永远地带走。”这是多么美的描绘啊!现实中,参加自由潜水的人有的是为了