Objective To observe the disinfection time of dynamic air disinfection machine, disinfection area, the number of sterilizers disinfection of the ward air. Methods Ward with different area was selected, air sampling was performed after disinfecting for different time with one or two dynamic air sterilizers, and the number of natural colonies in the air was compared under different disinfection conditions. Results The number of colonies in the area ≤30m ~ 2 was significantly less than that in the disinfection for 60min (P <0.01) after disinfecting for 60min with one disinfection machine. The number of colonies was 28.5m ~ 2 (P <0.01). After disinfecting with 2 air sterilizers for 60min, the number of colonies with an area of 41.9m ~ 2 was significantly less than that with an area of 28.5m ~ 2 (P <0.01) Air disinfection 6h, indoor air colonies ≥ 500cfu / m ~ 3. Conclusions The use of dynamic air disinfection disinfection should be based on space requirements of the ward, a reasonable allocation of disinfection machine number, set disinfection time.