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民国以来的词学乃至词选研究,已成为词学界的热门话题。其中关于民国时期的词学研究尤其成为研究的重心。而建国后,尤其是建国后三十年的词学成就,常常被作为一段学术的空白予以一笔带过。但任何事物的发展绝不会有必然的历史断裂。看似断裂的背后,必然还有着藕断丝连的东西存在,探求这些断裂层下面的关联,对于我们全面地认识词学史,有着更为重要的意义。建国三十年中,词学研究整体呈现出衰退的面貌。据华东师范大学中文系古典文学教研 Since the Republic of China word studies and even word research, has become a hot topic in Ci scholars. Among them, Ci study on the Republic of China especially became the focus of research. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, especially in the three decades after the founding of the PRC, the achievements of Ci-poetry were often taken as an academic blank. However, the development of anything will never have the necessary historic break. Behind the seemingly broken, there are bound to be connected with the existence of something, to explore the correlation below the fault layer, for us to fully understand the history of Ci study, has a more important significance. In the thirty years since the founding of New China, the study of Ciology has shown the overall appearance of recession. According to the Chinese Department of East China Normal University classical literature teaching research
[摘 要] 在个案访谈的基础上总结出高校学业困难的原因是失去学习兴趣、课内学习课外活动本末倒置、忽略学校政策、想法多于做法以及家庭原因等。建立预防机制、打造网络平台帮扶体系和励志素质拓展可以很好地帮助学业困难学生提高成绩,按要求完成高校规定的学业任务。  [关 键 词] 学业困难;转化策略;实证研究  [中图分类号] G645 [文献标志码] A [文章編号]
[摘 要] 从创新创业教育与专业教育融合的意义为切入点,分析高职院校创新创业开展情况,找出影响“双创”教育与专业教育融合现状与问题,分析两者融合的必要性和可行性,并在此基础上开展创新创业教育与专业教育的融合模式探讨,为高职院校的教育教学提供合理化建议和对策。  [关 键 词] 创新创业教育;专业教育;融合  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A