患者,男,42岁,已婚,农民。因“HBsAg阳性20年,乏力、腹胀伴发热20日”于2014年7月13日入院。2005年诊断肝硬化,20日前感冒后乏力、纳差、腹胀、肝区疼痛、尿黄、持续发热,体温41℃,查体:神志清,精神差,巩膜轻度黄染,左下肺呼吸音消失,腹膨隆,脐疝,全腹压痛,轻度反跳痛,肝肋下未及,脾肋下4 cm,质硬,肝区轻叩痛,肾区无叩痛,移动性浊音阳性,双下肢无水肿,双侧阴囊明显肿大(10×10 cm),轻压痛;辅助
Patient, male, 42 years old, married, farmer. Because “HBsAg positive 20 years, fatigue, abdominal distension and fever 20 days ” on July 13, 2014 admission. Diagnosis of cirrhosis in 2005, 20 days after the cold fatigue, anorexia, abdominal distension, liver pain, urinary yellow, persistent fever, body temperature 41 ℃, physical examination: clear mind, poor spirit, scleral mild yellow dye, left lower respiratory breath Disappeared, abdomen bulging, umbilical hernia, total abdominal tenderness, mild rebound tenderness, liver subglottic and spleen ribs 4 cm, hard, liver area tap sound, no percussion pain in the kidney area, mobility dullness positive, Double lower extremity without edema, bilateral scrotum was significantly enlarged (10 × 10 cm), mild tenderness;