农业区是非点源磷污染的主要来源之一。但学术界对于磷素从农业区随径流进入下游水域的特点和机制尚不清楚,尤其是在暴雨期的形态没有详细的研究过,因此日本学者T.Yam ada等人对流经位于日本中心美川湾流域农业地区河流的水质和径流量进行了调查研究。其结论是:枯水期时磷主要以溶解态排出,丰水期时磷以颗粒态的形式大量排出。磷的流失特征是冲刷型,即磷流失量随着水流量的增加而增加。颗粒磷的流失与农业用地的比例呈正相关。农田土壤的解吸实验表明,在沿海地区土壤中迅速发生的磷解吸取决于水体的pH和盐分质量分数。实验表明,这一地区磷流失量的10%能在海水中由颗粒态迅速转变成溶解态。
Agricultural area is one of the main sources of non-point source phosphorus pollution. However, the characteristics and mechanisms of phosphorus entering the downstream watershed from agricultural areas are still unclear, especially in the form of rainstorms. Therefore, the Japanese scholar T.Yam ada et al. The water quality and runoff of the rivers in the agricultural areas of the Gulf Basin were investigated. The conclusion is: when the dry season, the phosphorus is mainly discharged in dissolved form and the phosphorus is discharged in the form of granular state during the wet season. Phosphorus loss is characterized by scouring, ie phosphorus loss increases with increasing water flow. Particulate phosphorus loss and the proportion of agricultural land was positively correlated. Desorption experiments on farmland soil show that rapid desorption of phosphorus in coastal soils depends on the pH and salinity content of the body of water. Experiments show that 10% of the phosphorus loss in this area can rapidly change from the granular state to the dissolved state in seawater.