一有机会出门儿,哪怕不是去远处,也不是去大城市,妻只要听说,就顺手放下手中活计,连声嘱咐我:“千万别忘了。”时间一长,一个“千万别忘了”使我一下子就意识到她是在提醒我,最好在回家时,能给她捎些穿戴什么的。每次,我也总是边收拾行李,边附和着说记住了。 前些天有事去北京,临走前,妻又急匆匆地走进屋,一边帮我带上衣衫、毛巾、牙俱等,一边往我提包侧兜里塞手纸。我也习惯性地提醒她,下班后早去接孩子,晚上早点关门,照顾好老人什么的。前脚刚踏出家门,妻子紧跟在身后嘱咐:“可别忘了。”我回过头,看见妻正微笑着送我。 在北京办完事准备回家,同事忙着跑商场捎东西,我也就顺便给妻子买了件连衣裙。一进家门,妻就从屋里跑出来接我,甜甜地微笑着打量我,那种打心眼里往外冒的美劲儿,俨然是一个天真的
A chance to go out, even if it is not to go away, nor is it to the big city, as long as the wife heard that he would easily put down the hands of work, repeatedly told me: “Do not forget.” Over time, a “Do not Forget ”made me realize all at once that she was reminding me that it would be best to take something for her to wear when she came home. Every time, I always pack while packing, while attached to remember. A few days ago something went to Beijing, before leaving, his wife hurriedly walked into the house, while helping me to bring clothes, towels, teeth and so on, while I bag side jam stuffed paper. I also used to remind her habitually pick up children after get off work, close early at night, take care of what the elderly or something. Just stepped on the front foot of the house, his wife followed behind asked: “Do not forget.” I turned around and saw his wife is a smile to send me. Do things in Beijing ready to go home, colleagues busy shopping malls take things, I also by the way to his wife bought a dress. Once inside the house, the wife ran out from the house to pick me up, looked at me with a sweet smile, kind of hard-hearted run away from the heart, just like a naive