Porphyry copper, also known as veinlet disseminated copper, is one of the most important copper industry abroad .This deposit is often a large reticulate veins, a large scale, ore reserves up to hundreds of millions to several Billion tons.This deposit generally lower grade.Most deposits of primary ore copper below 0.4%, a few up to 0.8% or slightly higher, secondary enrichment zone containing copper up to 2% .In addition to copper, the ore also Contains 0.00n% of copper and silver, gold, rare elements and other useful components.According to foreign media reports, due to the distribution of useful components in the ore, stable ore technology performance, high metal recovery, and easy to use the latest mining equipment for mechanization In open pit mining, the profitability of exploiting veinlets is still high, despite low levels of useful components, for example in Chile, Peru and the United States, from poor porphyry (0.8 to 0.9% copper) The metal costs obtained are equal to pyrite and copper-bearing rock deposits two to four times the grade of copper.