
来源 :土壤通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ray361
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通过选取亚热带丘陵区3种不同母质发育的林地土壤,分析有机碳及轻组有机碳的剖面分布特征。结果表明:土壤有机碳含量(SOC)、轻组有机碳含量(LFOC)和LFOC/SOC均随剖面深度的加深而降低,分别介于1.49~16.80 g kg-1、0.11~2.58 g kg-1和3.2%~20.2%之间,以表层土壤SOC、LFOC的数量最为丰富、质量最高,且各土壤的剖面分布趋势相似。不同母质发育的剖面土壤发生层有机碳储量介于66.66~95.83 t hm-2,以板岩红壤最高,花岗岩红壤最低;而轻组有机碳储量介于6.09~10.37 t hm-2,以板岩红壤最高,紫色土最低。从储量上看,底土层(B、BC、C层)贮存了主要的有机碳和可观的轻组有机碳。此外,亚热带林地表层土壤LFOC/SOC要高于温带林地表层土壤,这反映出气候、地形和当地土地利用方式对土壤碳质量具有重要影响。 The soil profiles of organic carbon and light organic carbon were analyzed by selecting forest soil with three different parent materials in subtropical hilly region. The results showed that the SOC, LFOC and LFOC / SOC decreased with the deepening of the profile depth, ranging from 1.49 to 16.80 g kg -1, and from 1 0.11 g to 2.58 g kg -1 And 3.2% ~ 20.2%, respectively. The topsoil SOC and LFOC were most abundant and of the highest quality, and the profiles of soil profiles were similar. The organic carbon storage of the soil layer with different parent materials ranged from 66.66 to 95.83 t hm-2, the highest in slate red soil and the lowest in granite red soil. The light organic carbon storage ranged from 6.09 to 10.37 t hm-2, The highest red soil, the lowest purple soil. In terms of reserves, the subsoil (B, BC, C) stores major organic carbon and considerable light organic carbon. In addition, the LFOC / SOC of the surface soils in subtropical forests was higher than that of the surface soils in temperate forests, reflecting the significant impact of climate, topography and local land use patterns on soil carbon quality.
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