本研究旨在调查照顾者的心理状态 ,了解他们所需解决的问题 ,从而针对性地开展有效的心理、行为干预。对象和方法一、对象 :入组标准 ( 1)符合CCMD 3诊断标准的精神分裂症病人 ;( 2 )入院前与家庭成员共同居住时间 9个月 ;( 3 )家庭照顾者对本项研究合作。根据上述条件 ,共调
The purpose of this study is to investigate the psychological status of caregivers and understand the problems they need to solve in order to conduct effective psychological and behavioral interventions. Subjects and Methods I. Object: Inclusion criteria (1) schizophrenic patients meeting CCMD 3 diagnostic criteria; (2) cohabitation with family members for 9 months before admission; and (3) family caregivers working with this study. According to the above conditions, a total of tune