“这么多年,玉柴一直是凭借服务到位、产品成熟、与整车厂关系紧密等突出优势,在大中型客车市场保持着自身的核心竞争力。”近几年,凭借不断对产品的升级、服务的完善,以及富有针对性的市场策略,玉柴在川渝市场获得了份额与口碑的双提升。目前玉柴发动机无论在公路客运还是公交领域都保持了较高的市场占有率,耐用节油、动力强劲、服务周到是川渝用户对玉柴机器给予的基本评价。绵阳公交:气体机省钱、省心“2011年,玉柴气体机在四川的销量不足700台;2012年就攀升到1 100台左右;2013年我们的目标是2 000
”For so many years, Yuchai has always maintained its core competitiveness in the mid- and large-sized passenger car market with its outstanding advantages such as service in place, product maturity, close relationship with OEMs.“ In recent years, Upgrade, improve services, and well-targeted marketing strategy, Yuchai in Sichuan and Chongqing market share and reputation gained double. At present, Yuchai Engine has maintained a high market share both in road passenger transport and public transport areas. Durable and energy-saving, strong driving force and good service are the basic evaluations given by Yuzhai users to Yuchai Machinery. Mianyang Bus: gas machine to save money, peace of mind ”In 2011, Yuchai gas machine sales in Sichuan less than 700 units in 2012 rose to about 1 100 units; 2013 our goal is 2 000