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  摘 要:英语演讲是以英语为载体,就某个话题发表自己的看法,并与他人分享的过程。因此从英语学习的角度讲,它的实践性较强英语演讲比赛不仅能有效地帮助我们发展语言应用及交际能力,而且能够帮助我们更好的发展我们的综合素质。本文通过运用建构主义学习理论来阐释怎样更好的进行英语演讲比赛教学以便更好的发展学生的能力及素质,使学生更好的适应社会、走进社会,培养社会所需要的人才。
  Abstract:English is the carrier of English speech. Speakers publish their ideas and share with others in English on a topic. Therefore, from the standpoint of learning English, English speaking is more practical. English speech contest can not only effectively help us develop the ability of language application and communication . Thus the English speech contest can effectively exercise our comprehensive ability and quality. This paper discusses the teaching of English speech contest from the angle constructivism learning theory in order to promote the development of English speech contest teaching,develop theory of teaching design, make students better adapt to society and cultivate the talents that society needs.
  Key words:constructivism learning theory ; English speech contest teaching
  English Speech Contest Teaching
  I. Introduction
  In English speech contest, contestants are more judged whether they own comprehensive quality. However, eventually the decisive elements of success do not just lie in players' standard pronunciation, intonation and excellent ability. In fact, it ultimately depends on their fake-out power of observation, thinking and innovation, the rich knowledge and open view to conquer judges and audience. Some researchers also begin to study how to conduct English speech contest teaching. Domestic scholars research the affection and strategy of English speech competition such as how to improve students' oral English, writing ability, psychological quality . But most of them focus on how to improve students' English proficiency and make students win in English speech contest.
  This paper explains the characteristics of English speech competition, discusses teaching of English speech contest from the angle of Constructivism learning theory in order to develop theory of teaching design and improve students' ability and quality and make students better adapt to society, cultivate the talents that society needs.
  II. Literature Review
  2.1 English Speech Contest
  English Speech also belongs to the category of speech, and it has the general features of speech but it also has its own particularity.
  English speech contest score standards include the following points.   (1) Language
  Standard pronunciation and intonation, speak clearly, statements are fluent, using words correctly, showing strong language skills.
  Grasping the theme, Clear and creative thinking, complete structure, strong thoughtfulness, logicality and Infectivity
  (3)Speaking skills
  Speakers can use body language (eye contact, facial expressions and gestures). Intonation is melodious; artistic infection is strong.
  Speaker can make appropriate response to questions in shorter time; Expression is natural.
  (5)Image poise
  Natural expression, quiet dignity
  2.2 Constructivism Learning Theory
  Piaget is the most influential psychologist of cognitive areas. He founds the school about children's cognitive development known as Geneva school. Piaget thinks that children are in the process of interaction with surrounding environment to gradually build up the knowledge about the external world.
  III. Application of Theories in English Speech Contest Teaching
  Constructivist thinks students as the constructers who create significant knowledge. Learners do not gain knowledge from the outside directly, but move knowledge to memory based on their previous experience, construct new understanding of knowledge through the interaction with the outside world. Knowledge construction of different persons is different(陈琦, 2005).
  The author interview eight speech contest winners in the form of E-mail .One of the questions are how to learn English. In addition to listening to English songs, reading speech loudly and making friends with foreign students and celebrities such as foreign teachers, the most outstanding characteristic is that all eight students treat watching English movies and TV series as an important means of learning English call themselves as super fan (called movie fans)(刘润清,1996).
  These most winners of learning English realize that they can learn authentic English, by watching movies .For them the main purpose of watching movies and TV is not to appreciate the plot but to appreciate language, imitate language and learn language. Some students even say they collect one or two hundred films. Then they buy the CD tray which has not Chinese subtitles specially. Their favorite for movies to this point, they can watch the movies six or eight times, when they wake up even at night, they still crawl up to watch it so that they really recite the movie dialogue, including sentence pronunciation and intonation. They can remember the whole sentence in film .
  IV. Conclusion
  For constructers emphasize context of knowledge, the students' initiative, learning society. But speech contest itself has practicality, it itself contains reality feature of constructivism .No doubt. English speech contest teaching and quality education are closely linked. English speech contest teaching can not only make students to gain knowledge of the language, form skills , make students' language quality to get full development but also penetrate patriotism, humanism and other moral education and develop their optimistic.
  [1]Lui Hua.Language Anxiety and Its Effects: in the Case of Chinese EFL Learners[D].Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,2001.
【摘 要】煤炭作为我国的基础能源,对于我国社会经济的发展有着重要的作用。现有的经济以及技术发展水平决定了在未来很长一段时间之内,煤炭在能源中的主体地位不会发生改变。煤炭在一定程度上可以说是重要的战略资源,因此煤炭行业的发展对于国家的能源安全以及国民经济全局有着重要的影响。本文在论述我国煤炭资源现状的基础上,着重分析了煤炭行业供给与需求影响因素。  【关键词】煤炭行业;供给;需求;影响因素  文章编
摘 要:警察在我们的日常生活中有很重要的作用。我国警察的在履行职责时有失职现象,在行使职权过程中有权力滥用问题。解决这些问题,要从权力滥用的源头等各方面着手。  关键字:警察职责;权力滥用;防范措施  警察职责是国家按照法律确立的警察的管辖范围和责任义务。人民警察的职责范围很广泛,根据《人民警察法》,可将它划分为人民警察具体的工作职责以及人民警察普遍的服务职责。  一、人民警察的职责  (一)人民
摘 要 :班主任在学校、家庭、学生之间发挥着纽带的作用,其首要职责在于,对学生加强德育教育。但是,在中职学校班主任工作中却存在着诸多不如人意的问题,必须有针对性地采取对策予以解决。一是要完善班主任管理、培训和评价机制,引导班主任增强工作责任观念,形成上进意识,弘扬奉献精神,提高工作水平。二是要开展思想品德、遵纪守法、心理健康教育,抓好学生自治建设,促进学生形成良好的行为习惯,努力成长成才。  关键
【摘 要】食品安全是最大的民生,只要把食品安全抓好了,民生问题就有了基础。十八大报告要求我们“加快推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设” 。 食品安全也是公共事业管理的重要内容。 而本研究就是针对我国现有食品安全问题的成因从政府组织、非政府组织和社会公众提出监管意见,从而推动国内食品安全的健康发展,保障和改善人民的生活。  【关键词】食品安全;民生;监管体系  文章编号:ISSN1006—656X(20
摘 要:图画书是受小学低段儿童喜爱的一种图书,通过绘本阅读能够促进学生的写作表达能力的发展,从教育心理学上能找到这种绘本作文教学法有效性的理论支撑。  关键词:绘本;作文教学;迁移策略  绘本也称为图画书,简单地来说就是用图画和文字两种形式共同讲述故事的书,它因画面形象生动,文字简单浅显,为大多数儿童所喜爱,在儿童的早期阅读生涯中占据重要地位。在小学低段的儿童因识字量不够、抽象思维发展不成熟的情况
【摘 要】经济全球化影响国际经济分工,各国越来越重视在全球范围内配置生产资源。仅靠“引进来”难以在经济全球化中占据有利地位。从2000年正式提出“走出去”战略至今,我国公司对外投资取得了丰富的经验。但是也存在着管理体制滞后,企业自身经营素质低等问题,本文通过对对外投资现状和问题分析,针对性的提出了一些建议。  【关键词】走出去战略;跨国投资战略;现状分析;问题分析  文章编号:ISSN1006—6
【摘 要】本文从财务保险公司应对财务管理风险的角度出发,首先阐述了财务管理风险的含义,然后进一步说明了财产保险公司财务管理风险的内涵及表现形式,并对构成财产保险公司财务管理风险的原因进行了探析,最后从筹资风险控制、投资风险控制、承保和理赔环节的风险控制、强化制度建设方面给出了政策建议。  【关键词】财务保险公司;财务管理;风险;筹资;投资  文章编号:ISSN1006—656X(2014)01-0
摘 要:目前,微博已经在高校大学生中广泛使用。根据易观智库 Enfodesk 发布的《2010 年第 2 季度中国移动互联网业务市场季度监测》上的数据显示: 35%左右的手机网民为学生;在使用手机上网的青少年网民中,在校大学生比例最高,有85.7%的大学生网民用手机上网。[1]因此,大学生用户的群体将会越来越庞大,这种潜在的增长趋势既为大学生思想政治教育带来了新机遇,同时也使其面临重大的挑战。笔者
摘 要:特别保障制度是世贸组织下的基本贸易救济制度,反映了发达国家和发展中国家之间在经济利益的冲突,是不公正经贸格局的产物。解决特保问题有效的途径是借助世贸组织下的争端解决机构(DSB)获得专家组的有利裁决来形成判例,对其他成员国产生威慑效果。通过DSB来解决特保有3种诉讼策略:第一,仅对他国某种措施提起诉讼;第二,仅对他国有关保障措施的某项法律提起诉讼;第三,既针对具体措施,也针对具体措施所依据
摘 要:统计学在矿业生产中发挥着非常重要的作用,它可以实时统计好企业的生产状况和销售情况,掌握生产变化情况,为企业决策提供一定的参考和建议,本文重点探讨统计在磷矿厂生产中的运用及相关问题研究。  关键词:统计;选磷;应用  统计在选矿厂中的应用,这就要求从事统计工作的统计人员首先必须懂得一定的专业选矿知识,懂得根据流程图来设计统计报表的框架,依据领导的要求,和现有的取样指标,选择设计是分阶段统计,