Specialized production is an inevitable trend in the development of modern industrial production. The so-called specialized production is the convergence of similar products or similar processes, similar parts and components, and similar technology rear work and service technology work. Small-scale production for large-scale production, large-scale and full-scale, small-scale and all-purpose plant Specialized production plant. General Secretary Hu Yaobang recently said in inspections in Qinghai Province: The central government is now considering how the political restructuring will be closely integrated with the reform of the economic system. The key to the reform of the industrial management system is the decentralization of enterprises to the central cities. The purpose of the decentralization of enterprises is to expand the autonomy of enterprises, increase the vitality of enterprises, promote horizontal economic integration, implement functional changes, and gradually implement management for the entire industry, and gradually transition to the specialization and socialization of modern industry.