Anyang World Trade Center : Model of Green Offices

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  At the intersection of Wenchang Road and Zhonghua Road in Anyang City, Henan Province, stands one of the ten major projects to attract investment of Anyang Municipal Government -- Anyang World Trade Center. This project is operated by Anyang Jiuding Garden Hotel Co. Ltd., together with seven domestic and international top-class teams on the basis of World Trade Center, aiming to build a landscape complex of international finance and commerce in Anyang. What makes the board-chairman of Anyang World Trade Center Shen Jiangbo more proud is that the Skill Training Center of UN-HABITAT will be settled down in Anyang.
  Why Anyang?
  When talking about the location of Anyang World Trade Center -- Anyang, board-chairman Shen Jiangbo is very familiar with its history and development. Located in the most northern part of Henan Province, Anyang has long historic standing and profound cultural deposits. It is not only one of the eight ancient capitals in China, but also the hometown of oracle-bone inscription and the famous book of Zhou Yi. It’s also the site of World Cultural Heritage -- Yinxu. We can say that Anyang has a very important historical position in the original history of Chinese civilization as well as the history of world civilization.
  Anyang nowadays has convenient transportation networks, advantageous geographical location, and rich natural resources with the reputation of “key town in Northern Henan Province which is accessible in all directions”. Apart from that, Anyang also has rich tourism resources, such as World Cultural Heritage -- Yinxu, world-famous man-made heavenly river -- the Red Flag Canal, the only Chinese character museum in China and the world, and the original place of the famous book of Zhou Yi-- Youli City. All of them attract people’s attention all over the world. The strategy of “scenic Anyang, cultural Anyang and historical Anyang” is helping Anyang to develop into an advanced city of cultural tourism with the feature of “celebrated in Central China, well-known in China and famous in the world”.
  Ecological offices
  However, in recent years, the historical and cultural city Anyang has been constrained by the pollution caused by heavy industries. It’s said that Anyang has solid industry foundation, and is a significant industry base in Henan Province, which has the initial formation of metallurgy, electronic, chemistry, electricity, mechanics, spin, medicines, tobacco, and other industrial systems. Unfortunately, the development of heavy industry has brought the problems of pollution, which has severely influenced the sustainable development of Anyang.   When the reporter asked why he would bring the green conceptions and environmental protection in the operation of enterprise, he answered that human beings’ healthy lives have been seriously affected by food security issues, environmental pollutions, and the fog-haze weathers in the cities of Central and Eastern China. In the meantime of recollecting the social environment, people’s demand for green and healthy living environment is growing every day. Green offices are a consensus reached by countries across the world, and the green conceptions have influenced every aspect of people’s lives. Anyang World Trade Center is established under such circumstances.
  During its construction, Anyang World Trade Center adopted the highest standard of green building in China, and received accordant appreciations from the industry. In its planning and designing, the regular way of low-cost building in the current market was ruled out. Instead, the Swiss Keller technology of constant temperature, constant humidity, and constant oxygen was brought in. At the same time, the design also took into consideration the seven aspects of green choice of stone material, ecological and energy saving, land conservation, water conservation, etc. it saved the cost of building to the utmost extent, and was granted the Award of Green Three-Star -- the highest honor of China’s architecture. The design of the roof makes use of every inch of land and turns the roof into an aerial apron. The roof of the International Conference Hall will be constructed into the largest aerial tennis court in Anyang. The designer of this project constantly pursued the perfect environment of working and living. The outer part of the building is filter layer for PM 2.5, which keeps PM 2.5 out of the offices. The building tries to maintain 360 degree all-round health care of life.
  As the Skill Training Center of UN-HABITAT will settle down in Anyang, the communication and cooperation between Anyang and the world will be advanced. It provides a great platform for enhancing the enterprises’ sense of social responsibility, improving the urban environment of Anyang, and the exchange of international cultures. In the meantime, it also pushes forward Anyang’s going-out plan and the integration with international market.
  Blend in the world
  Speaking of the future of Anyang World Trade Center, Mr. Shen told the reporter longingly that in the strategic development of “Rising in Central China”, Anyang has achieved a rapid and stable development. In 2012, Anyang’s GDP was 159.29 billion yuan, which increased by 7.5%. With the operation and development of a high-speed railway, Anyang’s connections with the Bohai economic circle and the capital economic circle have been strengthened. Taking advantage of its advantageous location, cultural deposits, and stable economic development, Anyang has more and more interactions with the world in the aspects of international culture, economy, and business.   As a window to connect the global economy, in the face of the increasingly frequent international communication, Anyang World Trade Center will consist of Word Trade Regal Hotel, an 800m2 no-column International Conference Hall with simultaneous interpretation equipment that can accommodate thousands of people, a five-floor international style dinning center, and a 5A grade-one office building. After its construction, a comprehensive trade platform with international conference as its core service, and high-end consumption, commercial services, enterprise training, ecological skill training, the cultural researching of the old capital of Anyang, international cultural exchanges, and international trade will be formed. “As the first world trade center in Central China, it will also bring in finance and foreign trade enterprises. With holding conferences, forums and training as core businesses, foreign trade, investment, and commercial inspection as key services, it will integrate the windows of Anyang’s foreign exchanges, and form an innovative and comprehensive development model of ‘forum + business + international trade’, in order to strengthen the seamless connection with the six continents of the world.”
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