报载两则消息,发人深省。 一则是:根据国家经贸委的一项调查,自今年2月以来,我国轿车产销两旺,保持持续增长势头,成为市场一大“亮点”,今年是个轿车“丰收年”。 另一则是:有关部门日前对上海近2100户家庭进行调查,调查结果显示:家庭轿车购买能力有限。上海想买车的家庭不到8%,其中3%的家庭还不是现在
The newspaper contained two news, thought-provoking. One is: According to a survey conducted by the State Economic and Trade Commission, since February this year, the sales and sales of passenger cars in our country have been booming and the momentum of sustained growth has been maintained. This has become a major “bright spot” in the market. This year is a sedan harvest year. The other is: the relevant departments recently surveyed nearly 2100 households in Shanghai, the survey results showed that: family car purchase ability is limited. In Shanghai, less than 8% of families want to buy a car, and 3% of them are not now