蝶窦恶性肿瘤不仅少见而且诊断困难,国内仅报告3例,我院遇2例,报道如下。病例介绍例1 男,49岁。因右眼眶后痛24天,同侧眼球活动受限伴视力下降,诊断为痛性眼肌麻痹,于1984年1月26日住神经内科。发病前20天患者从自行车上跌下,右面部擦伤,无昏迷。嗣后出现性欲消失、口渴、多饮、多尿症状。体格检查:右限视力0.3,右上睑下垂,右眼球向各方运动受限,右瞳孔散大,
Sphenoid sinus malignant tumors are not only rare but also difficult to diagnose. Only 3 cases were reported in China and 2 cases were reported in our hospital. The report is as follows. Case Introduction Case 1 Male, 49 years old. Due to the posterior temporal palsy pain for 24 days, ipsilateral eyeball activity was limited with decreased vision, diagnosed as painful ophthalmoplegia, and lived in neurology department on January 26, 1984. 20 days before the onset of illness, the patient fell from the bicycle and he suffered a bruise on his right face without coma. Afterwards, there are symptoms of loss of libido, thirst, excessive drinking and polyuria. Physical examination: Right-limited visual acuity 0.3, sagging right upper eyelid, restricted right eye movement to all parties, right pupillary dilation,