1病例报告患者女,63岁。主因口服2.5%高效三氟氯氰菊酯250 ml后意识不清4天,于2014年5月13日入当地医院。患者于4天前被家人发现晕倒在家中,持续性四肢抽搐,牙关紧闭,角弓反张,口角有白沫及鲜红色血性分泌物流出。50 min后送至当地医院,查血中三氟氯氰菊酯浓度为1827.64 ng/ml。清水洗胃过程中,患者突发心搏呼吸骤停,立即胸外心脏按压,气管插管接呼吸机辅助呼吸。5 min后患
A case report patient female, 63 years old. Mainly due to oral 2.5% high-performance cyhalothrin 250ml unconsciousness after 4 days, on May 13, 2014 into the local hospital. Patients were fainted at 4 days in the family and were found to have convulsions in their extremities, tightness of their mouths, tightness of the bow, anti-tension of the spine, and splashes of reddish bloody discharge at the mouth. After 50 min, they were sent to the local hospital to check the blood concentration of cyhalothrin 1827.64 ng / ml. In the course of gastric lavage, the patient suddenly stops cardiac arrest, and immediately presses the extrathoracic heart. The endotracheal tube is connected to the ventilator to help breathe. 5 min later