每个人在人生的旅途上,都会难免遇到十字路口,“选择”便会摆到你的面前,我曾在“选择”面前犹豫过。 我在学校这块园地里勤奋耕耘了15个春秋,送走了一批又一批毕业生,迎来了一群又一群新同学。我爱他们,高兴听他们的琅琅读书声,喜欢看那一双双渴求知识的眼睛。走进他们中间,生活便充满了欢乐和幸福,我爱这“润物细无声”的教育事业,离不开
Everyone in the journey of life will inevitably encounter a crossroads, “choice” will be placed in front of you, I have in the “choice” hesitated before. I worked hard in this garden in the school for 15 Spring and Autumn, sent a group of graduates, ushered in a group of new classmates. I love them, I am glad to hear their encyclopedic reading, and I like to see the eyes of those who crave knowledge. Into their middle, life is full of joy and happiness, I love this “moisten things silently” education, can not be separated