1 信息系统的建设 目前,医院信息系统正向着以病人为中心,全面支持医院经济管理、高度集成化的方向发展。相应地,建立一个能覆盖整个院区,可靠高效的计算机网络已成为发展的必然。特别是随着客户机/服务器结构在医院信息系统中被普遍采用,近几年来,网络技术的发展可谓突飞猛进。技术的飞速发展和价格的持续下跌,一方面为医院信息系统的建设创造了绝好的机会,为医院建设计算机网络提供了更大的选择余地,另一方面,也增加了医院网络设计的难度。如何把握医院的计算机网络需求,采用何种技术、选用什么设备已成为今天医院信息系统建设者普遍关心的问题。
1 The construction of information system At present, the hospital information system is centering on the patient and fully supports the direction of hospital economic management and highly integrated development. Correspondingly, establishing a reliable and efficient computer network that can cover the entire campus has become an inevitable development. Especially with the client/server structure being widely adopted in hospital information systems, the development of network technology has been rapidly progressing in recent years. The rapid development of technology and the continuous decline in prices have created an excellent opportunity for the construction of hospital information systems, providing greater choice for hospitals to build computer networks. On the other hand, it also increases the difficulty of hospital network design. . How to grasp the needs of the hospital’s computer network, what technology to use, and what equipment to use have become the issues of concern to hospital information system builders today.