关羽的形象是伴随着时代的发展而演进的 ,由于被历代加封而逐渐荣显 ,由于文学艺术的再加工创造而深入人心 ,最终成为“武圣”而与“文圣”孔子并祀。透过关羽被历代加封这一表象 ,实则鲜明地折射出汉民族各个阶层的独特文化心理。其中包括三个方面的内容 :从统治阶层来看 ,他们欣赏关羽的忠心耿耿、死而后已 ;从平民阶层来看 ,他们仰慕关羽的济困扶危、知恩图报 ;从作家文人来看 ,他们青睐关羽的功成名就、儒雅绝伦
Guan Yu’s image evolved along with the development of the times. It gradually emerged as a result of being sealed up in various dynasties. Due to the re-processing of literature and art, Guan Yu’s image eventually became “Wu Sheng” and “Confucius” was worshiped. Through the history of Guan Yu, the phenomenon of being sealed up has actually clearly reflected the unique cultural psychology of all strata of the Han people. They include three aspects: from the perspective of the ruling class, they appreciate Guan Yu’s loyalty and die; from the perspective of the civilian population, they admire Guan Yu’s financial difficulties and gratification; and from the perspective of writers and writers , They favor Guan Yu’s fame, refined and exquisite