Analysis of the Female’s Characters and Fates in Vanity Fair

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  Abstract: By contrasting Emilia and Becky’s different mentality and conduct to love, marriage and children, analyze the two heroes’ distinct character and destiny and reveal its underlying social causes, so that to get a deep understanding of the author’s theme and social backgrounds.
  Key words: character; fate; patriarchal society
  Introduction: Thackeray, like Dickens, was a representative of critical realism in 19th century England. His first literary success came with a series of satirical sketches entitled The Snobs of England. The book draws a galley of snobs from different walks of life. In Thackey’s view a snob is a person who fawns upon his social superiors and looks dawn with contempt upon his inferiors. The book may be regarded as a prelude to his major literary career, as it contains all the important ideas that constitute the contents of his later works. In the forties his realistic writing method became mature and firmly established. A brilliant example of this method and one of the greatest masterpieces of critical realism is Vanity Fair. Vanity Fair was the peak of his literary career. At last, he abandons the noise and unrest of city life to find happiness and peace in country life.
  1.Love and Marriage
  Superior growth environment, mother care shapes a gentle, pleasant Emilia, giving her innocent love and selfless dedication. She bet the fate of love and full pressure on George Osborne. “He was her Europe, her emperor; he was her sun and her moon." As soon as George came to the square, she seemed to shine the sun, her face suddenly illuminating. She lightly flied, falling into George Osborne's chest, as if this place is her home. "She looks forward to Osborne’s love and relies on him; she was looking forward him to make her happy, get her lifelong rely on; she completely devoted herself to her husband, and derive maximum satisfaction and enjoyment." She put her future to a person who has mastered all values, so she gave up her beyond, letting this go beyond being dependent on that person outside the main person, letting her become his vassals and slaves. " Emilia put all her dreams entrusted to Osborne, but Osborne was impossible to give her this kind of happy.
  Beck origins in humbles, his father was a poor painter, her mother was a dancer. She grew with all social hardships. She received a negative impact on her father, "poor life has led her to adopt gloomy temper, much more sensible than with other children." She lived everywhere in the wary cunning mercenary habits, dreaming out of the woods, into the upper class. When she lived in Emilia’s home, she had affection on Emilia’s brother Joseph, but unfortunately was thwarted by the plan to marry Joseph. Then she won the wealthy single woman - Miss Crawley’s favor relying on her wisdom. Back in England, Becky entered the palace to see the king by the help of Rodin’s congressman brother and her sister-in-law. "One patron, then worth ten times". She finally became a charming star of the upper-class society. However, fate was unstable. Becky's fate worsened, more and more isolated, hanging out with gamblers and crooks.   From the two heroes’ different attitude towards love and marriage, we can see further two distinct personalities. Tracing back, Emilia’s self-sacrifice and Becky’s unscrupulous mercenary are the product of the patriarchal society. These are not the truth but male’s fantasy and distortion to female.
  Thackeray believed Motherhood is the most wonderful arrangement of God. There is always this kind of love which is far more sensible in a woman’s nature. Emilia is a typical wife and mother of patriarchal society. After her husband’s death, his son became the only spiritual sustenance of her life. After the bankruptcy, she sent her son back to his grandpa’s considering her son’s future. She had always taken her son as her hero and pride. Becky had a son of the same age as Emilia’s. But she treated her son in a completely different attitude. After giving birth to little Rodin, she put him in a village of Paris’s suburb. She could not even figure out her son’s age and her son’s hair’s color. After living together with his son, when her son was crying in the attic, she was joking with her lover downstairs.
  3.Same and different fates
  The author arranged almost same steps to these two heroes. They got married at almost the same time, their husbands went to the front at the same time, and they had a son in the same year. However, their life orbits are completely different. When Emilia enjoyed her family’s great care, Becky was struggling to run into the upper classes of society and dreamed with all kinds of manners; when Becky realized her dream and entered the upper-class society, Emilia was bringing her child lonely and endured the mouthful of her husband who was full of lies; finally, when Becky stumbled from the cloud and abandoned by the upper class, Emilia fortuned true love. The great contrast between the two characters force us to think and explore deeply, making us find out surprisingly that these differences are in relation with the social background and the author’s patriarchal ideology closely.
  It is said that history is a mirror, by reading Vanity Fair, we can analyze the two characters of Becky and Emilia, find out the social and historical factors behind the values of life. And this is of great value to the analysis of history.
摘要:随着社会经济的告诉发展与时代的不断发展和变革,人们越来越广泛的接受各种高科技和信息技术,人们在享受互联网带来的高速化、信息化生活的同时,却总觉得人和人之间的人际交往变少了。人们在闲暇时更依赖于电子产品带来的快乐,甚至连人和人之间的交流也可以通过视频、电话等方式进行,减少了面对面交流的机会。下面本文根据民族民间文化艺术的传承和发展群众文化进行讨论。  关键词:传承;民族民间;文化艺术;群众文化
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摘要:《记承天寺夜游》是苏轼被贬谪黄州时,记和朋友在茶余饭后的赏月之事,本文就文中的“闲”人、景、事、情进行赏析,细细品味,娓娓道来,余味无穷。  关键词:记承天寺夜游;闲情;逸致  《记承天寺夜游》里面的人、景、事、情是既普通又平常的,甚至是会被人忽略的瞬间!  苏轼和朋友在茶余饭后的赏月之事,被作者择取之后,描写的形神兼备,让读者有种身临其境的感觉,细细品味,余味无穷。  (一)闲人  《记承
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想了很久.还是决定在你生日即将来临之际,给你写下这些,也算是纪念一下吧,为你这 16年,画个圆满的句号——  16了,过完了人生的六分之一。人呐,往往会犯一个错误.老是怀念过去,总是憧憬未来.却忘记了现在,殊不知,日月既往,不可复追;殊不知,未来未来,无法预测。所以啊!希望你要把握现在.别错过生命中每一个精彩的瞬间。  16了,看到过人性的葱凉,也见识过人心的险惡。你开始对世界有了新的看法,也有了
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