纠风工作已经开展16年。目前,纠风工作对案件查办更加有力,警示作用更加明显。去年有1.4万多人受到党纪、政纪处分, 全国对1.6万个污染企业进行了查处,国家直接查处了9起,同时加大了对已查处案件的通报力度,及时制止了一些苗头性、倾向性问题。
Corrective work has been carried out for 16 years. At present, rectification work is more effective in handling cases and the role of warning is even more obvious. Last year, more than 14,000 people were punished by party discipline and political discipline. The country investigated and dealt with 16,000 polluting enterprises and the state directly investigated and punished 9 cases. At the same time, it intensified the circular on cases that have been investigated and punished, Suggestive, propensity questions.