中学生的写景状物作文,大体上有两类。一类属片断性质:或直接要求写某一景物片断,或在一篇完整的记叙文中出现景物片断;另一类则为记游性的文章,在写景状物的基础上议论与抒情。那么,如何才能写好写景状物的作文呢?我觉得,就一般中学生来说,作者如能热爱生活、细致观察与客观认识事物,并掌握一定的写作技巧,就能较好地完成写景状物作文。 首先,作者应热爱生活,学会观察事物和客观地认识事物,像新编初一语文课本中《雨中》一文,作者赵丽宏抓住平凡而有趣的生活场面加以描写,用以歌颂粉碎“四人帮”后社会风气的好转,表现新时期人与人的真诚
There are basically two types of scenario writing compositions for middle school students. One kind of genus is a piece of nature: either directly requires the writing of a piece of the scene, or the appearance of a piece of the scene in a complete narrative; the other type is an introductory article, which is based on the writing of the scene. So, how can we write well-written essays? I think that for the average middle school student, if the author can love life, observe and objectively understand things, and master certain writing skills, he can do a better job. Composition. First of all, the author should love life, learn to observe things and understand things objectively. Like the article “The Rain” in the newly-written Chinese textbooks, the author Zhao Lihong captures ordinary and interesting life scenes to extol the “gang of four”. The improvement of the social atmosphere shows the sincere people and people in the new era