【英国《国际核工程》1995年1月号第8页报道】英国的2×660MW改进型气冷堆邓杰内斯B核电站因过热器和再热器集管焊缝出现裂纹而停运。然而,推迟该核电站恢复运行不是为了修理焊缝,而是要证实蒸汽发生器贯穿件上的类似焊缝不会出现相似的裂纹。 该核电站生产部门负责人Martin Weeks希望该核电站在今年年底重新投入运行。据估计,该核电站因停运每天要损失50—75万英镑。
[International Nuclear Engineering, January 1995, p. 8] The 2 × 660 MW retrofitted gas-cooled reactor in the UK, the Dungestat B nuclear plant, was shut down due to cracks in the heal and reheater header weld. However, postponing the resumption of operation of the plant was not to repair the welds, but rather to confirm that similar welds on the steam generator penetrations did not show similar cracks. Martin Weeks, head of the nuclear plant’s production division, hopes the plant will be back in operation by the end of this year. It is estimated that the nuclear power plant will lose 50-75 million pounds per day due to outage.