
来源 :教育科学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maoxinlan
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一 研究目的 自从我国计划生育的基本国策实施以来,独生子女教育问题在我国教育理论和教育实践中日渐突出。我们参加了由北京市教育学会组织的“北京市独生子女教育研究课题组”,对我县独生子女教育问题进行了调查研究。我们遵循课题组总的指导思想,试图通过比较系统、周密的研究,搞清我县独生子女及其家教现状,分析存在的问题,进行一些超前性的研究,提出可行性意见、建议,为领导决策提供参考,为基层教育工作服务。 Since the implementation of the basic national policy of family planning in our country, the issue of one-child education has become increasingly prominent in the educational theory and educational practice in our country. We participated in the “Beijing’s one-child education research group” organized by the Beijing Municipal Education Association and conducted a survey on the education of only-child children in our county. We follow the general guiding ideology of the task force and try to find out the current situation of the only-child children and their tutors in our county through comparative systematic and careful research, analyze the existing problems, conduct some advanced research, put forward feasible suggestions and suggestions for leaders Provide a reference for decision-making, work for grassroots education.
在培训很多企业的经销商当中,笔者经常听到经销商老板怨声载道:抱怨自己太忙,以致一天到晚得不到清闲,抱怨下属太笨蛋,安排好的事情,总是做不好,还抱怨人才难招、难留等等。  果真如此吗?笔者也曾经遇到过一些做得较大的经销商,他们更象“甩手掌柜”,他们管的人很少,仅仅是几个核心人员,他们更多的时间是在考虑企业未来发展的出路及提升的方向,他们相当一些时间都是在全国各地飞来飞去,干什么?选项目,看产品,如此