Surgical strategies for glioma involving language areas

来源 :中华医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenshi_shen
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Background Successful treatment of gliomas in or adjacent to language areas constitutes a major challenge to neurosurgery. The present study was performed to evaluate the procedure of language mapping via intraoperative direct cortical electrical stimulation under awake anaesthesia when performed prior to resective glioma surgery.Methods Thirty patients with gliomas and left-hemisphere dominance and, who underwent language mapping via intraoperative direct cortical electrical stimulation under awake anaesthesia before resective glioma surgery, were analyzed retrospectively. All patients had tumors in or adjacent to cortical language areas. The brain lesions were removed according to anatomic-functional boundaries with preservation of areas of language function. Both preoperative and postoperative functional findings were evaluated.Results Intraoperative language areas were detected in 20 patients but not in four patients. Language mapping failure for reasons attributable to the anaesthesia or to an intraoperative increase in intracranial pressure occurred in six cases.Seven patients presented with moderate or severe language deficits after six months of follow-up. Total resection was achieved in 14 cases, near-total resection in 12 cases and subtotal resection in four cases.Conclusions Intraoperative cortical electrical stimulation is an accurate and safe approach to identification of the language cortex. Awake craniotomy intraoperative cortical electrical stimulation, in combination with presurgical neurological functional imaging to identify the anatomic-functional boundaries of tumor resection, permits extensive tumor excision while preserving normal language function and minimizing the risk of postoperative language deficits.
采用Morfi Compact纤维形态分析仪,对相思木漂白KP浆浆料和白水进行纤维分析,并在白水循环回用下进行抄片以及纸张性能的检测。结果表明,浆料纤维的数均长度和重均长度以及粗
病例报告1:患者女41岁于2007年1月16日因突发胸骨后疼痛1h后来诊,无咳嗽,咳痰,伴有胸闷气短。查:BP90/60mm Hg,面色略苍白,心律整,心率89次/min,无杂音,双肺呼吸音清,腹部软,
近年来,我国的造纸工业得到了快速发展,产量稳步提高,2009年中国造纸生产总量已经达到8 640万t,消费总量8 569万t,都超过了美国居世界第一位,2010年全国生产总量更是突破9000