一、自然条件和干旱特点 锺祥位于汉江中游,东北有大洪山脈,西南有荆山山脈。汉江从西北向东南贯穿全县,沿江两岸,为狭长的河谷平原。平原与山脈之间,为全县面积最大的丘陵稻区。 该县年平均温度为15.9℃,年降雨量为954.4毫米,无霜期约264天,南部和北部相差上十天。作物布局:山区和丘陵以中稻、大麦两熟为主,中稻、小麦或中稻、豆类两熟为次;平原以棉、麦两熟为主,油、粮两熟次之。
First, the natural conditions and drought characteristics Zhongxiang is located in the middle reaches of the Han River, northeast Dahong Mountains, southwest Jingshan Mountains. Han River runs from northwest to southeast through the county, along the banks of the Yangtze River, as a narrow plains. Between the plains and the mountains, the largest hilly rice area in the county. The county’s annual average temperature of 15.9 ℃, the annual rainfall of 954.4 mm, frost-free period of about 264 days, the south and north of a difference of ten days. Crop layout: mountain and hills in two rice-based, barley-based, medium-sized rice, wheat or medium-sized rice, beans two times as the second; plain to cotton, wheat-based two, followed by two cooked oil, food.