以发表的中国北方史前文化遗迹的14 C年代数据为依据,作为指示人类活动强度的指标,并统一校正为日历年,按照百年分段分区进行统计整理,发现:11.5~8kaBP为第一阶段,中国北方人类活动较弱;第二阶段为8~4kaBP,人类活动持续增强,在4kaBP前后达到顶峰;4~3kaBP人类活动记录有所下降。聚类分析表明,中国北方全新世人类活动可以分为北方亚区、河南和陕西3类,北方亚区人类活动在4kaBP达到鼎盛,随后开始衰落,这一衰落与当时季风强度迅速衰弱有关;季风衰弱后的3.6kaBP河南成为活动中心,这一演变规律与中国早期国家夏商活动中心地演变密切相关。
Based on the published 14 C dating data of prehistoric cultural relics in northern China as an indicator of the intensity of human activities and the unified correction for the calendar year, the data were sorted according to a hundred-year subdivision and found that 11.5-8 ka BP was the first phase, In northern China, human activities were weaker; in the second phase, 8 ~ 4kaBP, human activities continued to increase, reaching its peak before and after 4kaBP; and human activities recorded between 4 and 3kaBP decreased. Cluster analysis shows that the Holocene human activities in northern China can be divided into three categories: Northern Asia, Henan and Shaanxi. Human activities in the Northern Asia reach its peak at 4ka BP, and then decline. The decline is related to the rapid weakening of the monsoon intensity at that time. After the weakening of 3.6kaBP, Henan Province became the active center. This evolutionary law was closely related to the evolution of Xia Shangshang’s activity center in early China.