碘葡酰胺脊髓造影引起癫痫失神发作持续状态(Absence Status Epilepticus, ASE)过去曾有过3例报告,但均未作脑CT扫描,本文首次报导1例碘葡酰胺脊髓造影药物渗入脑灰质引起的ASE,该结果提示为原发性皮层源性ASE.患者男性,38岁,因腰椎间盘突出入院,无个人及家人癫痫病史,既往健康.接受10.5ml碘葡酰胺(240mg碘/ml)腰髓腔造影,造影剂未超出腰椎水平,操作过程中患者无瞬时副作用.患者按要求头部抬高40度体位卧床至少6小时.4小时后患者出现剧烈头痛及呕吐.检查时未发现脑膜刺激症或其它神经病学异常,次日晨患者出现意识混乱,定向力丧失及反应迟钝.无其它神经系统体征,血清电解质及代谢研究均正常.CT平扫见灰质高密度,平均为56H,白质正常,27H.EEG显示持续波幅
Absence Status Epilepticus (ASE) has been reported in 3 cases in the past, but no CT scans were performed. This is the first report of one case of iodogamide myelography medications penetrating the gray matter ASE, the results suggest that the primary cortical ASE male patients, aged 38, admitted to the hospital due to lumbar disc herniation, no personal and family history of epilepsy, past health 10.5ml iodoglutamide (240mg iodine / ml) Contrast medium, the contrast agent does not exceed the level of the lumbar spine, the patient has no transient side effects during the operation, the patient is asked to head elevation of 40 degrees for at least 6 hours, 4 hours after the patient had severe headache and vomiting, no meningeal irritation Or other neurological abnormalities, the next morning patients with confusion, loss of orientation and unresponsive. No other signs of the nervous system, serum electrolytes and metabolic studies were normal .CT scan showed gray high density, with an average of 56H, normal white matter, 27H.EEG shows a sustained volatility