新年伊始,淮安报的读者重新看到了1958年7月由敬爱的周恩来同志题写报头的《淮安日报》,心头感到格外亲切,人们对周恩来同志的怀念之情也油然而生。 淮安历代名人荟萃,加之她在历史上有过重要的地位,早在民国年间,就办有多家报纸;读报,关心时事政治也是淮安人的传统,抗战年间,进步群众自发在淮安城内办起“淮安群众看报室”;解放战争年间,《新华日报》华中版就办在淮
At the beginning of the new year, the readers of Huai’an News re-saw the Huai’an Daily, which was commended by dear Zhou Enlai in July 1958, and was especially warm-hearted. People’s feelings of remembrance of Comrade Zhou Enlai came into being as well. Huai’an celebrities meta-history, combined with her history has an important position, as early as in the Republican years, there are a number of newspapers; reading newspapers, political affairs is also concerned about current Huai’an people’s tradition, during the Anti-Japanese War, the progressive spontaneous in the city of Huaian do From “Huai’an people read the newspaper room”; During the War of Liberation, “Xinhua Daily” Central China version of the run in Huai