【目的】研究伊犁新垦区玉米生产滴灌最佳灌溉制度和滴灌水肥调控技术。【方法】设置3个不同的灌溉定额(4 800、5 400、6 000 m~3/hm~2)处理,采取统一的灌溉周期:4 d,并对土壤水分、玉米产量、水分生产率和主要农艺性状等指标进行测定。【结果】对玉米应用小水量多次灌的滴灌技术,灌溉定额对产量有较显著的影响,成正相关,当灌溉定额在5 631.6 m~3/hm~2时,可获得最佳产量。【结论】伊犁新垦区玉米在滴灌条件下,采用小水量多次灌并在生育期内追肥的水肥调控技术,可实现当地玉米生产的节水、节肥高效优质可持续发展。
【Objective】 The objective of this study was to investigate the best drip irrigation system for maize production and the regulation of drip irrigation and water management in the new reclamation area of Yili. 【Method】 Three different irrigation quotas (4 800, 5400 and 6 000 m ~ 3 / hm ~ 2) were set up to take a uniform irrigation cycle of 4 d. Soil moisture, corn yield, water productivity and main Agronomic traits and other indicators were measured. 【Result】 The results showed that the irrigation quota had a significant effect on the yield, and the best yield was obtained when the irrigation quota was 5631.6 m ~ 3 / hm ~ 2. 【Conclusion】 Under the condition of drip irrigation, under the condition of drip irrigation, maize in the new reclamation area of Yili County can be used for water and fertilizer regulation and control with multiple irrigation of small amount of water and topdressing during the growth period, which can realize the water saving and high efficiency and sustainable development of local corn production.