TDR(Time Domain Reflectory)——时域反射仪是一种用于测量土壤水分的仪器 ,这是一种利用电磁脉冲方法 ,根据电磁波在介质中传播速度来测试介质的介电常数从而测定土壤水分的仪器。本文介绍了一套 TDR系统的组成和测量方法 ,并对测量结果进行了室内和野外校正 ,结果表明 ,野外校正比较符合实际情况 ,可以作为黄土高原地区进行 TDR校正的参考。由于具有快速、准确等优点 ,能自动、连续地监测土壤含水量 ,TDR是一种值得推广的土壤水分测定仪器
TDR (Time Domain Reflectory) - Time Domain Reflectometer is a device for measuring soil moisture, which is a method of using electromagnetic pulse method to test the dielectric constant of media based on the propagation speed of electromagnetic waves in the medium to determine the soil moisture Instrument. This paper introduces the composition and measurement methods of a set of TDR system and the indoor and outdoor calibration of the measurement results. The results show that the field calibration is in line with the actual situation and can be used as a reference for TDR correction in the Loess Plateau. Because of the advantages of fast and accurate monitoring of soil moisture content automatically and continuously, TDR is a recommended soil moisture measurement instrument