目的了解湘潭市工业企业职业病危害现状,为职业病防治策略提供依据。方法对湘潭市职业病危害项目申报资料按企业规模、行业分类、职业病危害因素进行整理分析。结果 2012-2013年已申报存在职业病危害项目的生产企业有814家,存在的职业病危害企业主要集中在微、小型企业,占所有职业病危害企业数的89.93%,其职业病报告例数占全部职业病报告数的80.65%,职业病患病率为2.95%,高于大中型企业(0.32%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=389.82,P<0.01);职业病危害接触人数主要集中在制造业、建筑业,分别为70.17%、13.37%;劳动者接触的主要职业病危害因素为粉尘、高温、噪声、锰及其化合物、一氧化碳,接触人数分别达39.73%、14.47%、9.48%、6.75%、5.27%;存在的高毒物品共25种,主要为锰及其化合物,一氧化碳,石棉,苯。结论需继续加强职业病防治宣传工作,从重点行业、重点企业着手,尤其应对存在高毒类毒物的企业加强监督管理与指导。
Objective To understand the status quo of occupational disease hazards in industrial enterprises in Xiangtan and provide evidence for prevention and control of occupational diseases. Methods The data of occupational hazards in Xiangtan City were classified according to the enterprise size, industry classification and occupational hazard factors. Results There were 814 manufacturing enterprises that have reported occupational hazards in 2012-2013. The number of occupational hazards that exist in enterprises is mainly micro and small enterprises, accounting for 89.93% of the total number of occupational hazards. The number of occupational diseases reported accounts for the total number of occupational diseases (Χ2 = 389.82, P <0.01). The number of occupational disease exposure mainly concentrated in manufacturing, construction industry (80%), the incidence of occupational diseases was 2.95%, higher than that of medium and large enterprises (0.32%), the difference was statistically significant , Respectively, which were 70.17% and 13.37% respectively. The main occupational hazards that laborers exposed were dust, high temperature, noise, manganese and its compounds, carbon monoxide and contact numbers were 39.73%, 14.47%, 9.48%, 6.75% and 5.27% respectively; The existence of a total of 25 kinds of highly toxic substances, mainly manganese and its compounds, carbon monoxide, asbestos, benzene. Conclusion It is necessary to continue to intensify the publicity work on prevention and treatment of occupational diseases and start from key industries and key enterprises. In particular, enterprises with high toxic poisons should be supervised and supervised.