今年6~7月间,国际田联仲裁小组对几位去 年发生药物争议的著名运动员作出了判决,其结果有点儿出乎人们的意料,其中还有什么隐秘则是局外人所无法知道的。因为国际上药物纠纷的是与非从来都说不清。 第一位是古巴跳高世界纪录保持者索托马约尔,去年7月在温哥华举行的泛?
From June to July this year, IAAF Arbitration Panel ruled against several notable athletes who had drug controversy last year. The result was a little bit unexpected. What hidden secrets are beyond the reach of outsiders? Because the international drug disputes and non-always can not tell. The first is the Cuban high jump world record holder Sotomayor, held last July in Vancouver pan?