Seasons in Shijiazhuang

来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wo19881026
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  Seasons in Shijiazhuang
  My name is Ya Pengcheng. I come from Shijiazhuang. It is a beautiful city. The buildings are tall and the trees are tall, too. Summer is the favourite season for many people in Shijiazhuang. It’s hot and sunny. We can wear our sunglasses and beautiful T-shirts. We can swim in the river, too. The most popular drink in Shijiazhuang are Sprite and Fanta. It is fresh and sweet. Spring in Shijiazhuang is very warm, short, lovely and covered in white fluff. During the warm spring, flowers bloom. Autumn in Shijiazhuang is the season which is neither hot nor cold. Many of us like playing in the wind. It is cold outside in winter. Sometimes it is snowy. We put on our coat, hat, scarf and winter boots. We like playing in the snow, having snowball fights, making snowmen and throwing snowballs.
  Well, these are the seasons in Shijiazhuang.
On the first day of an American history class, the professor assigned7 homework on civil rights.  The next day, he asked one of my classmates to name ten of those rights. When the student made no resp
- Passage 1 -  A fox is walking in the forest. Suddenly, he 1 into a well (井) when he wants to drink the water there. He tries his 2 to come 3 , but he can’t. A goat (山羊) passes by and sees the fox.  
[内容摘要] 自古以来中国画派大略有两种:一种是画家艺术传派,一种是地域群体画派。画家艺术传派是因唯一开派者师承传授和风格影响而成的画派,如黄筌画派、波臣画派。地域群体画派是因思想、风格和创作条件相近而形成的区域艺术圈,其开创情况不一:有的只有一位开派者,如吴门派的沈周,此种地域画派近似画家传派;有的地域画派则不只一名代表人物,他们的风格既有一致性,又各擅胜场,各有传人。扬州八怪是这类地域画派的代
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文章编号:1008-0546(2010)12-0067-02 中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:B    义务教育新教材(以沪教版为例)第5章第一节中有关常见金属的化学性质的内容是探究性学习重要的素材,也是渗透科学归纳法的最佳切入点之一。通过有效地教学能加深对溶液中的微粒的性质的理解,为酸碱盐的教学也做了很好的铺垫,更为高中深化金属的化学性质的学习打下扎实的基础,具有显著的承上启下的作用。尽管