矢志不渝 任重道远——部分高职院校负责人座谈会发言选登

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为研究高等职业教育的发展现状,分析高等职业教育存在的问题及对策,推进高职院校的改革,2002年3月12日至13日,中国高等职业技术教育研究会召集部分高职院校的主要负责人与教育部高教司领导座谈,共商高职发展大计。教育部高教司副司长葛道凯同志,高职高专人才培养委员会顾问、原国家教委职教司司长杨金土同志,教育部高职高专处副处长王伟同志,高职高专处李津石同志,林宇同志以及高职高专人才培养工作委员会秘书李滨孙同志、徐挺同志参加了座谈会,天津职业大学校长于洪文,太原大学校长聂嘉恩,金陵职业大学校长闵光太,深圳职业技术学院党委书记、院长俞仲文,海淀走读大学校长傅正太,上海电机技术高等专科学校党委书记、主持工作的副校长夏建国,洛阳大学党委书记、校长赵金昭,邯郸职业技术学院院长王志勇,陕西工业职业技术学院院长翟轰,辽宁农业职业技术学院院长温景文,北京联合大学副校长高林,沈阳电力高等专科学校副校长宛力在会上作了发言。高职研究会会长李宗尧同志主持了座谈会,教育部高教司领导同各校主要领导同志还就一些重要问题进行了深入的讨论,现将部分发言选摘如下。 In order to study the current situation of the development of higher vocational education, analyze the existing problems and countermeasures of higher vocational education and promote the reform of higher vocational colleges. From March 12 to March 13, 2002, the Higher Vocational and Technical Education Research Association of China convened some higher vocational colleges The main responsible person and the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education leaders to discuss, discuss the plans for the development of higher vocational education. Comrade Gao Daokai, deputy director of the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education, adviser to the Training Committee of Higher Vocational Education, former Comrade Yang Jintu, director of the Vocational Education Department of the State Education Commission, and Wang Wei, deputy director of the Higher Vocational College of Education, Comrades Comrade Lin Yu and Comrade Li Bin Sun and Xu Ting of the Working Committee of Higher Vocational and Technical Personnel Training Committees attended the symposium. Yu Hongwen, President of Tianjin Polytechnic University, Nie Jiangen, President of Taiyuan University, Min Guangtai, President of Jinling Polytechnic University and Shenzhen Polytechnic Party secretary and dean Yu Zhongwen, Haidian University president Fu Zhengtai, party secretary of Shanghai Electrical Engineering Institute, presided over the work of Vice President Xia Jianguo, party secretary of Luoyang University Zhao Jinzhao, Handan Vocational and Technical College Dean Wang Zhiyong, Shaanxi industry and occupation Zhai HONG, dean of Technical College, Wen Jingwen, dean of Liaoning Agricultural Vocational and Technical College, Gao Lin, vice president of Beijing Union University, and Wan Li, vice chancellor of Shenyang Electric Power College gave speeches at the meeting. Comrade Li Zongyao, chairman of the Higher Vocational Research Association, presided over the symposium. Leaders of the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education and major leading comrades of the schools conducted in-depth discussions on some important issues. Some of the speeches are now selected as follows.