爱马仕主题派对神奇故事之旅爱马仕每年的主题派对都有叫人意想不到的地方。今年的派对Tales to be told“被传诵的故事”则以说故事为主题。除了更能发挥无穷的想象力,更有着代代承传的意味。较早前在巴黎举行的主题派对,爱马仕选择了位于巴黎第三区Le Marais的一间古老大宅举行。宾客走过长长的通道,遍历了不同刺激有趣的童话故事场景,视觉冲击一浪接一浪。最大的惊喜,莫过于把宴会大堂由伸手不见五指的漆黑环境,瞬间变成富丽堂皇的会场。神奇魔法果然是爱马仕的看家本领。
Hermes theme party magic story tour Hermes theme party every year there are unexpected places. This year’s party Tales to be told “story to be recalled ” is story-telling. In addition to more unlimited imagination, but also from generation to generation means. Earlier in a theme party in Paris, Hermes chose to hold an ancient mansion in Le Marais, the third district of Paris. Guests walked through long passages, traversing different exciting fairy tales scenes, visual impact wave after wave. The biggest surprise, than the banquet hall by the invisible dark environment, instantly become a magnificent venue. Magic magic really Hermes housekeeping skills.