近日,《苏联摄影书1920-1941》(The Soviet Photobook 1920-1941)一书由施泰德尔出版社(Steidl)出版。前苏联对作为宣传工具的图书曾有着强有力的掌控。上世纪二三十年代,前苏联文艺发展空前繁荣,政府通过先锋派文章和激进的艺术设计向公众灌输他们的意识形态和政府的绝对权力。他们包括摄影师德米特里·德巴博夫(Dmitry Debabov)、弗拉基米尔·格里恩特尔(Vladimir Griuntal)、鲍里斯·伊格纳托维奇(Boris Ignatovich)、亚历克山大·赫列布尼克夫(Alexander
Recently, The Soviet Photobook 1920-1941 was published by Steidl. The former Soviet Union had a strong grip on books as propaganda tools. In the 1920s and 1930s, the development of literature and art in the former Soviet Union was unprecedentedly prosperous. The government instilled their ideology and the absolute government authority through avant-garde articles and radical artistic designs. They include photographers Dmitry Debabov, Vladimir Griuntal, Boris Ignatovich, Alexander Helebuhnev