龙芽草属 Agrimonia L.植物世界有20余种,我国约4种。其中仙鹤草 Agri—monia pilosa Ledeb.自古即为强壮性收敛止血药。近年来,东北民间用其冬芽驱除绦虫,效果显著。其主要有效成分为鹤草酚(Agrimophol)。
There are more than 20 species in the world of Agrimonia L. and about 4 species in China. Among them, Agrimonia agri-monia pilosa Ledeb. has been a strong and astringent hemostatic agent since ancient times. In recent years, people in the northeast have used their winter buds to drive out locusts, which has a remarkable effect. Its main active ingredient is Agrimophol.