通过4种不同配方的花生专用肥在泰来县多地区、多点次的田间试验,筛选出最适合当地的花生专用肥配方及用量。其中D配方专用肥在施用30 kg/667m2的情况下效果最佳,净增收入77.7~159元/667m2,产投比1∶1.4~2.9。
Four peanut special fertilizers with different formulations were selected in the multi-area and multi-point field trials in Tailai County to screen out the most suitable formula and dosage of peanut-specific fertilizer. Among them, D formula special fertilizer had the best effect under the application of 30 kg / 667m2, with a net income of 77.7-159 yuan / 667 m2 and a ratio of 1: 1.4-2.9.