国人爱食甲鱼和乌龟,并视之为滋补品。近年来,随着生活水平的提高,国人对甲鱼和乌龟的需求量激增,不仅国内的野生甲鱼和王八几遭灭顶之灾,东南亚的甲鱼王八也源源不断流入我国: Every day tons of live turtles and tortoises are being shipped from South and Southeast Asia to China. 估算之下,东南亚每年流入中国的甲鱼和乌龟的数量在一千万只左右! 孟加拉国从事甲鱼和乌龟贸易的人数竟有五万之众,年贸易量在百万只上下,价值达150万美元。 读者朋友,你在读了本文之后,是否觉得应该“嘴”下留情? 文章的末尾提及: Efforts to farm(饲养)the animals should also be intensified with the aim of taking the strain off wild populations. 值得一提的是:近几年,上海市场的甲鱼(人工饲养)价格一跌再跌。500克人工饲养的甲鱼的价格已经从过去的百元左右,下跌至目前的25元上下,且少人问津。】
People in the country love to eat soft-shelled turtles and turtles and regard them as tonics. In recent years, with the improvement of living standards, people’s demand for soft-shelled turtles and turtles has increased dramatically. Not only has the domestic wild turtles and the king of the eighteen years been destroyed, Southeast Asia’s soft-shelled turtle eight also continues to flow into China: Every day tons of live turtles and Tortoises are being shipped from South and Southeast Asia to China. Under estimation, the number of turtles and tortoises that flow into China every year in Southeast Asia is around 10 million! The number of people engaged in the trade of turtles and turtles in Bangladesh is as many as 50,000. Trade volume is in the millions, up to a value of 1.5 million U.S. dollars. Readers and friends, after you read this article, do you feel that you should “mouth” the mercy? At the end of the article: Efforts to farm (breeding) the animals should also be intensified with the aim of taking the strain off wild populations. The fact is: In recent years, the price of soft-shelled turtles (artificial rearing) in the Shanghai market fell and fell again. The price of 500 grams of artificially reared soft-shelled turtles has fallen from the previous one hundred yuan to the current 25 yuan, and few people are interested. 】