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一、立项背景在冶金、电力、石化、水泥和煤炭等行业,有众多储仓、下料斗、矿槽以及冲渣沟等构筑物。对于构筑物的内表面而言,由于长期受到物料的研磨型磨损和剥蚀型磨损,首先在水泥浆体表面发生破坏,逐步剥蚀混凝土的骨料,在失去骨料的部位形成空穴,加速混凝土结构的破坏,从而缩短这些构筑物的使用寿命,影响生产的正常运转。对于钢结构基础的构筑物的内表面来说,由于物理化学作用,首先在钢基础的表面产生点蚀,进而加速磨损剥落。为解决这一问题,需在构筑物的内表面增设耐磨保护层。现阶段国内外应用比较多的是铸石板和压延微晶板和钢板,但由于施工及制备工艺方面的特性,存在性能缺陷具体表现在:(1)整体性差。衬板通过胶泥或者螺栓连接,连接缝就是梨削破坏的薄弱环节,在剪切力的作用下,很容易出现破损。(2)抗冲击性差。材料自身脆性较大,弹性模量高,在煤块矿石等的冲击作用下,很容易发生破坏,尤其是内衬边缘无约束的部位。 I. Project Background In the metallurgy, electric power, petrochemical, cement and coal industries, there are numerous warehouses, hoppers, trenches and dregs and other structures. For the internal surface of the structure, due to long-term wear and abrasion of the material by abrasion and abrasion, firstly, the surface of the cement slurry is destroyed, the aggregate of the concrete is gradually denuded, holes are formed at the site where the aggregate is lost, and the concrete structure is accelerated Of the destruction, thereby shortening the service life of these structures, affecting the normal operation of production. For the inner surface of the steel structure foundation structure, due to the physicochemical action, firstly, pitting corrosion is generated on the surface of the steel foundation, which accelerates the wear and tear. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to add a wear-resistant protective layer on the inner surface of the structure. At this stage at home and abroad are more cast stone plate and rolled microcrystalline plates and steel, but due to the construction and preparation process characteristics, there are performance defects in specific manifestations: (1) the overall poor. Lining plate is connected by glue or bolt, the connection seam is the weak link that pears broken, under the action of shearing force, it is easy to break. (2) poor impact resistance. Material brittle itself larger, high modulus of elasticity, the impact of the coal lump ore, it is easy to damage, especially the edge of the liner without restraint site.
1987 年8 月初的一天,临下班时,陈清泰带着两三个随员急匆匆来到新华社找我。  “时间宝贵,马上就要走,来这里拜托你帮个忙。”陈清泰说。他刚刚从美国回来,听说中央有关领导近日将在北戴河开会,讨论制定中国轿车发展问题。因为二汽能否进入轿车生产布点尚未可知,所以他迫切希望能够与会。他当晚要和书记马跃一起赶赴北戴河。同时希望能双管齐下,由我写一篇新华社的内参,陈述以出口为导向发展小型轿车的见解。  
This paper proposes a new criterion called the ratio of safety margin(RSM)for use in the areas of the global factor of safety,reliability and limit states analy